
Q1. What is the BCRP radio for?

The BCRP citylink radio is used by members for the prevention and detection of crime and disorder. Businesses work together to pass information to each other so you are aware that individuals who might be involved in criminal offences or causing anti-social behaviour are in your area or heading your way. This helps businesses know who they want to let in to their venues but also sets a tone to individuals that Brighton does not tolerate certain kinds of behaviour. The radios are also carried by Sussex Police [at certain times] and by the Business Improvement District [BID] Ambassadors [all the time] and can be used to summon assistnce quickly and efficiently if you are in the BID area.

Q2. What calls do I make on the radio?

Any calls related to the prevention and detection of crime and disorder. Including:

  • Informing other venues of an incident that has taken place in your venue, and passing on details of a suspect
  • Informing other venues of any suspicious individuals
  • Calling for assistance from your security unit and/ or the Business Improvement District Ambassadors (if applicable)
  • Contacting police direclty [at certain times of day and night]
  • Performing a radio check (please do not do this at busy times unless you think there is a problem with your radio)
  • Logging on and logging off at the beginning and end of a shift as required

Q3. Do I need to know proper radio lingo?

No! Using the BCRP radio is simple and easy and you do not need to know the NATO alphabet or any other fancy CB radio lingo. Have a look at the video at the end of this FAQ page on how to use the radio and here are some tips on how to use the radio more effectively:

  • Hold down your press to talk switch for one/ two seconds before you start speaking
  • Hold the radio two-three inches away from your mouth to avoid distortion
  • When using the radio always call up using your business name so people know who is speaking/ who needs help
  • Be as accurate as you can but keep it brief
  • Speak clearly and slowly in your normal voice
  • If you are sending a message about a group/ individual who has caused some issues and they have left your venue - always state the direction of travel (towards a landmark or particular venue e.g. the Clock Tower)
  • Keep the radio on you at all times
  • Make sure the radio is properly charged overnight

Q4. My radio doesn't seem to be charging?

You need to ensure that the battery contacts are making a full connection with the charging base.

The LED indicator flashes red slowly when the charger is on. When the radio makes a full connection the LED indicator will glow red. This means the battery is being charged.

The LED indicator will glow orange when the battery is 90% charged. When the LED indicator glows green the battery is fully charged.

If the LED indicator flashes red rapidly or does not go to a solid red when the radio is securely fixed in the charger there could be a charging error or an issue with the base unit. Contact the scheme office if this is the case and a BCRP team member will come down to have a look at your radio charger. If the equipment is faulty a new charger will be provided to you free of charge. If the base has been tampered with or damaged by the user then a charge may be applicable.

Please note that the radio must be powered OFF before charging.

Q5. What channel do I need to be on?

The BCRP radio has three different channels.

Channel 1 - NightSafe. This includes licensed and late night venues eg. pubs, bars, late night refreshment venues. This channel is active 24 hours a day however, it is most active from 6pm onwards.

Channel 2 - City Centre. For shops and venues in and around the centre of Brighton.

Channel 3 - Hove. For venues in the Hove and Portslade area.

When you turn the channel selector knob to select a channel the radio will play out the channel number upon switching so you will know if you have chosen the correct one.

Q6. Who am I speaking to on the radio?

You can use the citylink radio to communicate with other local businesses in your area, your security provider (should you have one), the Business Improvement District (BID) Ambassadors (if you are within the BID area).

If you wish to speak to a local business simply call them using the venue name (eg. "[your venue name] to Sainsburys Western Road").

If you wish to put a message out to all members simply say "[your venue name] to all other users on this channel"

If you wish to contact the Business Improvement District Ambassadors: "[your venue name] to BID"

If you wish to contact Churchill Square: "[your venue name] to Charlie Sierra"

If you wish to contact the BCRP: "[your venue name] to Charlie Charlie"

The Police

The police carry the citylink radios on Friday and Saturday nights. They use the call sign 'Papa Uniform'. Please note that this is not a substitue for calling 999. Always phone the incident in first (especially if it is an emergency) and then use the radio to see if a unit is in the area and can respond.

Q7. I think my radio might be faulty?

Don't panic. First carry out a few basic checks, paying attention to the troubleshooting section in your BCRP radio manual (you should have been given this when your radio was delivered to you). If you weren't, or if you've lost it simply contact the scheme office and we can send out a new one for you).

If the radio is still not working properly report the fault directly to the BCRP who will replace the handset whilst repairing yours.

Please note that all faulty equipment will be replaced free of charge. However, if the equipment is broken due to being tampered with, accidental damage or because it was not cared for properly then a charge will be applicable.

Q8. I don't know how to use the radio and my staff aren't comfortable making calls.

The video below may help your staff. Alternatively the BCRP can provide extra training in the operation and use of the citylink radio handsets. These training sessions can be tailored to suit individual member requirements and will be free of charge. Training will include:

  • Receiving and making calls
  • Alarm activation
  • Professional incident reporting
  • Threat identification
  • Charging and maintaining the unit

Please contact the scheme office if you would like to book a session.